Add: RTK Precision GPS Correction


Normal GPS tagged images are accurate to within 3-10 feet. But using the latest in drone technology (called RTK or Real-Time Kinematics), SjySurveyUSA offers geotagging accurate within one centimeter. Every image is tagged to the drone’s exact location. This enables us to offer hyper-accurate orthophotos and maps. Available with all packages. Does not include additional media.

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Normal GPS tagged images are accurate to within 3-10 feet. But using the latest in drone technology (called RTK or Real-Time Kinematics), SjySurveyUSA offers geotagging accurate within one centimeter. Every image is tagged to the drone’s exact location. This enables us to offer hyper-accurate orthophotos and maps. Available with all packages. Does not include additional media.

Normal GPS tagged images are accurate to within 3-10 feet. But using the latest in drone technology (called RTK or Real-Time Kinematics), SjySurveyUSA offers geotagging accurate within one centimeter. Every image is tagged to the drone’s exact location. This enables us to offer hyper-accurate orthophotos and maps. Available with all packages. Does not include additional media.

Add: Premium 4K Video Package
Add: 4K or Thermal Video
Add: Hi-res Orthophoto
SkyEye Walkthrough PLUS +
Utilities, Volumetrics, 3D Scans & More